CNI hourly scan rate adjustments

July 2nd, 2019
July 2nd, 2019

Charges at a service center like the CNI are closely monitored by Stanford’s financial officers.  The principles are to set the rates so that the service center does not make or lose much money in any given year.  The costs of running the CNI are the staff salaries, scanner maintenance, and supplies.  In case you are wondering, our center is extremely inexpensive compared to most in the country.

There is a second principle worth noting: most of the charges are made to NIH grants.  It is a government rule that charges to a grant must benefit the NIH grant itself, not some future user. This limits the ability to purchase new equipment that will benefit only future users. For example, we cannot purchase a new head coil that will be installed next year based on this year’s income.

This year

For a few reasons, this year the CNI has a surplus.  The surplus arises because of the scheduling improvements we made earlier this year, and some reduced costs.

We are permitted to have a surplus of up to 15% of our annual expenses but no more.  To comply with service center rules we must adjust our rates at this time.

The rate adjustment

Starting from June 1, the CNI hourly rates will be reduced by 25%. These rates will be in place until March 1, 2020.  After March 1 the rates will  rise to a level that is similar to where they have been, subject to approval by Stanford’s financial officers.

New hourly scan rates

8:00AM to 6:00PM weekdays (Monday-Friday)         - $320/hour

6:00PM to Midnight weekdays (Monday-Friday)       - $245/hour
8:00AM to Midnight weekends (Saturday-Sunday)   - $245/hour
8:00AM to Midnight University Holidays or Closure – $245/hour

Midnight to 8:00AM any day (Monday-Sunday)         - $75/hour

EEG usage charge is an additional $50/hour at any time

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